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Javier Gonzalez-Benito

Javier Gonzalez-Benito

Materials Science and Engineering
Carlos III University of Madrid


Professor González-Benito received his Ph.D. in Chemical-Physics from the University Complutense of Madrid and got the position at the University Carlos III of Madrid, UC3M, as a professor in 2003. He carried out several pre and postdoctoral research stays in very prestigious centers around the world, Institute of Chemistry and Biology Technology of University Nova de Lisbon (Portugal); Institute of Materials Chemistry of the Tampere University of Technology (Finland); Macromolecular Science Department of Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio); Department of the University of California Santa Barbara and The National Institute of Standards and technology (Gaithersburg, Mariland USA) among others. Nowadays he is the head of the Group `Polymer Composite Materials and Interphases, having published more than 70 papers about polymers and polymer composites in reputed journals. He was Director of the Ph.D. program in Materials Science and Engineering of the University Carlos III of Madrid from 2006 to 2013.

Research Interest

Polymer interfaces in multiphase (micro and nanophases) materials using a variety of microscopic imaging methods and fluorescence based methods. Researching lines: i) Thermoplastic nanocomposite materials with especial electrical properties and ii) Thermoplastic nanocomposite materials with antibacterial activity. Characterization of polymers and composite materials; use of fluorescent probes and labels to monitor physico-chemical changes at a molecular scale; atomic force microscopy; structural, dynamics and ageing phenomena studies in polymer based materials.